On offer from our personal collection is a striking Pwo/Pwevo helmet mask from the Luchazi people of Angola. Worn by male dancers during ritual ceremonies, the Pwo/Pwevo mask, symbolizing the female ancestor, is probably the best-known style of face mask of the Luchazi & their Chokwe & Lwena neighbors.
Refined & spiritually mature facial features characterize this powerful mask. The thin-walled construction indicates the work of a skilled carver. Incised scarifications are present on the cheeks, chin, & forehead. The brow is highlighted by a distinctive, beautifully incised coiffure, with animal hair attached to the knitted headband above. Raised ornamentations resembling earrings appear below her ears. Her sharply filed teeth & flared nostrils contribute a fierce attitude to her presence. The richly-grained wood shows a warm patina. Surmounting the mask is a well-formed basket, permitting it to be worn as a helmet mask. Attachment holes perforate the rim of the piece.
Despite a few minor imperfections, this imposing mask is in good overall condition. A most compelling display.