From our personal collection, on offer is a handsome Geh-naw forehead mask from the Bassa people of Liberia. Such masks are worn & danced during special ceremonies, including initiation rites for boys. Neighbors of the Dan, certain stylistic similarities can be seen in the masks produced by both groups, such as the high-domed forehead & protruding lips.
With its multi-cornrowed coiffure & imposing facial features, this striking mask has a strong presence. The forehead, bridge of the nose, upper cheeks, & mouth have been accented by incised, geometric patterns. Attachment holes perforate the rim of the mask.
Despite a few imperfections in the wood, including a couple of chips & fine dry age cracks, this powerful piece is in good overall condition. The characteristic jutting jawline gives the mask its dramatic, crescent-like shape, making a compelling display.